- Here at FBCOB, we have simplified special offerings to twice per year.
- The first special offering is in the Spring, called ‘Moving Forward.”
- The second special offering is in the Fall, called “Great Commission Offering.” This offering goes directly to missions locally and globally.
- This Moving Forward Offering goes to reduce our debt and fund a tangible project around the campus that will make an immediate impact in moving our vision forward.
- When you give to this offering, here is how we use the funds:
- FIRST — regular, weekly giving needs are covered.
- THEN — $10,000 is applied toward a tangible project on our campus
- THEN — the remaining funds are paid directly on our mortgage principle to reduce debt and put more funds toward ministry and missions.
- We ask that you prayerfully consider giving to this special offering to help our church reduce debt in order to further our ministry efforts in the future!
- We will celebrate our final giving day on March 2, 2025.
- We can’t wait to see how God will work in helping us moving forward in expanding His Kingdom!
___2025 Special Project
- Foyer Updates & Painting around Campus
- You may give toward the offering at any time throughout the year online and in person, but our focused time of giving is January 26, 2025 – March 2, 2025.